These resources are provided to enable you to design and produce your own materials for the promotion of your event or gathering and to help you tell your audience about The Victor Movie.
Netflix Exhibition:
E-blast download/ usage instructions:
E-blast download/ usage instructions:
• Preview the HTML e-blast:
• Download the zipped file:
• Within your email service provider (ESP), set up a new campaign.
• Choose to ‘code your own’.
• Choose ‘Import from zip’ or ‘Import from URL’.
• Upload the zip folder (above) or input the source URL:
• Use the subject Line: ‘VICTOR the movie: NOW ON NETFLIX’
VICTOR now on Netfilx
Church Exhibition:
E-blast download/ usage instructions:
E-blast download/ usage instructions:
• Preview the HTML e-blast:
• Download the zipped file:
• Within your email service provider (ESP), set up a new campaign.
• Choose to ‘code your own’.
• Choose ‘Import from zip’ or ‘Import from URL’.
• Upload the zip folder (above) or input the source URL:
• Use the subject Line: ‘Bring VICTOR to your church’
Bring VICTOR to your church
Email & Web Banners:
E-blast download/ usage instructions:
• Preview the HTML e-blast:
• Download the zipped file:
• Within your email service provider (ESP), set up a new campaign.
• Choose to ‘code your own’.
• Choose ‘Import from zip’ or ‘Import from URL’.
• Upload the zip folder (above) or input the source URL:
• Use the subject Line: ‘VICTOR is now available on DVD & DIGITAL HD’